Wednesday, September 11, 2013

College Life

So I've almost finished half a full week of college classes and I must say, half of this high school did not prepare me for so i'm kinda testing it out as I go, and the other half is pretty much what I thought it would be. My schedule is pretty amazing and I have the opportunity to meet so many new people it's astounding! I have a few cuties that I've seen here and there and well, let's face it. I'm in need of a boyfriend....or cuddle-buddy really...*sigh* I've finished working on homework for now so I think i'm actually gonna hit the mattress and sleep for a bit. Busy day tomorrow learning new things and all that jazz and crockery and whatnot. The life of a college student isn't easy of course. You're constantly broke, your brain is crammed to capacity and then your professors expect you to cram more in -all in one class sitting mind you- and on top of that you either have a job and do a sport or have some other activities that make your days that much more bearable and your life that much more interesting. Maybe i'm wrong. Maybe I just didn't learn all of what was necessary. Maybe I did. All I can say is try your best always. Follow Your Own (you can never go wrong) and remember to always let your Heart Speak (it usually knows best). Goodnight everyone.

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