Sunday, September 15, 2013

Competitors in Conflicts and Contests..

Sooooo, a few days ago, I had my first OFFICIAL college party. I have to say official because it's not really my first college party. (That's another story for another time.) Anyways it was absolutely AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! I loved every second of it. There was a minor scare but it was resolved quickly. On a side note that's kinda completely off topic, I. Love. My. Team. They are absolutely amazing and I am so happy to be one of them. Back to the subject here. Competitors in Conflicts and Contests. So the majority of my team knows about this crush that I have on this guy. Give me a moment, let me daydream in lust for a bit....Back. He is just so cute! Anyways, I get into the dance and I'm looking around and I finally find him...with one of the last people I expected to see. In hindsight, I guess I'm not that surprised but it still stings a bit. This is where the contest comes in...How do I even compete with her? Should I even bother? I believe that all is fair in love and war, (when really they're not that different if you think about it) but why would I engage in a war if I already know I'm gonna lose? I mean how do I even know he's interested? So I just went with it. Later on, the conflict came and I was stuck in the middle of it. I'm just gonna go off on a tangent here and say, if you want to get back at someone for hurting you, or as part of some masochistic game y'all play, LEAVE ME OUT OF IT. I'm not one to get into a "lover's spat" or whatever you may see each other as. I don't know if he was being a saboteur or a prick but he didn't help my goal of the night. And later he asks if I'm still interested in him and of course I said yes. Not too sure if he was happy about that but I don't care. I didn't come for you and you knew that in the first place. I don't do leftovers. He knew who I was after and I wonder if he said anything to him...well enough of my rambling. Just wanted to keep you guys updated. Remember to always Follow Your Own and let your Heart Speak.

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